PAM - Passage 1 Page 2 Line 35-61 Vocabularies

Published at 21.22.00 in

Berikut adalah daftar kata-kata sulit yang ada di bacaan pada halaman 2 hand-out Reading-nya Mr. Ipam. Dari Line 35-61.
debris (Line 40) = remained ruins
alter (Line 39) = changing form
heaps (Line 41) = a pile of soil (gundukan tanah)
obscure (Line 41) = to hide
haste (Line 42) = accelerate, speed up
plunder (Line 43) = to steal in a high value (menjarah)
for the sake of (Line 42-43) = merely for
total recovery (Line 46) = to revive / make accessible
tactful = to difference between one another (bersikap bijaksana dalam membedakan)
intact = well-preserved (tidak terjamah sama sekali); utuh
tactile = to touch something (connected with tact)

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