temen2, nih uda gw cariin arti kata2 yg sulit selaen dari post2 sblmnya, yg gw tulis PAM mungkin ul di Mon-day itu dicuekin aja, kynya cm vocab gni bakal ul jg... haha... ini daftar kata2 di module 1, uda termasuk yg dari post sblmnya, yg module 2 belakangan. blajar yg bener ya!
Paragraph 1 (line 1-9)
thriving : prosper, flourish; grow rich; grow vigorously
coastal plain : tanah lapang yg deket2 laut gt
highway : public road; main route
Paragraph 2 (line 10-18)
loom : appear dimly, be seen in vague and often magnified or threatening form (Mt. Vesuvius yg awalnya ga terlalu keliatan gt)
stir : rise from sleep (utk kasus Mt. Vesuvius, jd bukan ngaduk ya)
slope : piece of rising or falling ground; difference in level between two ends or sides of thing; place for skiing on side of mountain etc
menacing : threat; dangerous or obnoxious thing
pasture : land covered with grass etc. suitable for grazing animals
orchard : enclosed piece of land planted with fruit-trees
vineyard : plantation of grape-vines, esp. for wine-making
folk-tale : cerita rakyat/penduduk
Paragraph 3 (line 19-35)
tremendous : remarkable or considerable; overpowering
building up : gradual approach to climax (dr Mt. Vesuvius, yg ada pressure2 building up gt di bawah tanah)
tremors : shaking, quivering; thrill (of fear or exultation etc), slight earthquake
rumbling : make continuous deep sound as of distant thunder (yg accompany tremors diatas, Mt. Vesuvius mulai ngamuk)
repose : sleep; peaceful or quiescent state, tranquillity
crust : rocky outer skin of the earth (bukan yg empuk2 isi keju di pizza hut ya)
give way : yield under pressure, give precedence (precede tuh artinya duluan, ini pas lapisan yg sealed Mt. Vesuvius pecah sblm waktunya, kaya kecepetan gt akibat pressurenya)
vast : immense, huge, very great
molten : melt, made liquid by heat (mencair)
heavenwards : arti kiasan semacam ngarah ke udara gt (pas Mt. Vesuvius mulai jd cannon trus nembak2 sembarangan)
intimidate : frighten (influence)
400 degrees Centigrade : 400 derajat Celcius (kl itungannya uda ratusan, ada 2 nol gt, ada istilah "Centigrade", kl di kamus tulisannya "having 100 degrees, esp. = Celcius", kira2 doang sih, kl ada yg tw lsg benerin ya)
avalanche : mass of dislodged snow, rock, etc, sliding rapidly down mountain (longsor)
agony : extreme mental or physical suffering
Paragraph 4 (line 36-45)
alter : changing form
debris : remained ruins
heaps : a pile of soil (gundukan tanah)
obscure : to hide
haste : accelerate, speed up
for the sake of : merely for
plunder : to steal in a high value (menjarah)
Paragraph 5 (line 46-53)
total recovery : to revive / make accessible
pile up : accumulate
trace : discover course or development or origin of from evidence etc (ngecek2 benda2 di reruntuhan misalnya buat nemuin hal baru)
perimeter : outer boundary of enclosed area (di ceritanya ada "perimeter walls" brarti kaya semacam bates gt, keluar nih di ul kmrn)
sequence : set of things belonging next to one another (di ceritanya ada yg Fiorelli nomor2in tempat di mapnya in a logical sequence mgkn maksudnya sesuai urutan kelompok/setnya gt ya)
Paragraph 6 (line 54-61)
piece (verb) : join pieces of (ngegabungin, bukan potongan ya)
intact : well-preserved (tidak terjamah sama sekali); not damaged; utuh
tactful* : to difference between one another (bersikap bijaksana dalam membedakan)
tactile* : to touch something (connected with tact)
*tactful sm tactile sebenernya ga ada di cerita, cm tambahan, ga bakal keluar tp bs nambah pengetahuan
Paragraph 7 (line 62-70)
all manner of : every kind of (di ceritanya kaya gini "all manner of household items were found...")
turn up : discover or reveal, be found, happen or present itself
comb : sisir
insight : piece of knowledge obtained by this (di ceritanya "gave insight to the lives of the citizens of Pompeii"; semacam ada gambaran dari penemuan)
scribble : write carelessly or hurriedly (verb); scrawl, hasty note etc(noun); gampangnya, inget tulisan botil *peace til ^_^*
casual : made or done without great care or thought (di ceritanya ada "casual observations", kira2 semacam observasi kasar gt ga mendalam)
Paragraph 8 (line 71-72)
ga ada kata2 sulit
Paragraph 9 (line 73-78)
phase : fase
envelope : wrap, cover something
solidify : make or become solid
cavitiy(-ies) : rongga-rongga
Paragraph 10 (line 79-86)
mound : bigger heaps
plaster : soft mixture of lime, sand, and water, for spreading on walls etc. to form smooth surface and harden by drying
uncannily : unusual, strange, unbelievable, but still possible
fascination : capture interest of (tertarik)
intimate : intim, private and personal (di ceritanya ada "intimate details of Pompeii's tragic story were disclosed" mgkn maksudnya detil2 yg selama ini tersembunyi gt ga ketauan)
disclose : make known; expose to view (liat kalimat diatas)
casts : figure created by liquid plaster (cetakan)
Paragraph 11 (line 87-93)
shock : sudden and disturbing physical or mental impression
jolt : shake or dislodge with jerk; give mental shock to
comprehensive : including much or all, inclusive (secara keseluruhan)
unsurpassed clarity : clearer
doom : colossal death (kiamat)
Published at 15.11.00 in Bahasa Inggris
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